Tazkirah Ramadhan "Jangan kau tahan hak Allah padaku"
Kenapa tak mahu menyusu anak sendiri? anak yang datang dari darah daging ibu dan ayahnya sepatutnya tidak ditahan haknya pada rezeki itu.Penahanan hak anak akan dituntut diakhirat kelak dan si ibu maupun bapa perlu menyediakan penjelasan yang membolehkan mereka berlepas diri dari mahkamah Allah yang Maha Adil.
Mari kita sama-sama menyemak apakah terdapat hadis-hadis yang menerangkan berupa siksa pada ibu yang enggan memberikan hak anaknya itu.Anak kecil yang tidak tahu memprotes langsung memberi kepercayaan pada si ibu tetapi bukan susu segar dari tubuh ibu yang diberikan malah daripada susu tepung dengan pelbagai formula yang diterima.
Anak itu terus meminumnya kerana disangkan itu adalah susu ibunya tapi hari ini anak tersebut sudah tidak berkata-kata lagi kerana ternyata susu tepung itu mengandungi racun yang membunuh manusia.
Oh..ibu..."jangan kau tahan Hak Allah padaku"
Susu ibu penyubur kesih sayang,cinta si anak sepanjang zaman.
Bagi mereka yang tidak banyak susu InsyaAllah minumlah set bersalin HPA ditambahi spirulina dan omega 3.InsyaAllah.
hadist menyusu anak.
Recorded by Ibn Khuzaymah (no.1986), Ibn Hibban and others. Verified to be authentic by Sheikh Albani (Sahih ut-Targhib no.991)
Breastfeeding the Children
A woman has the obligation of breast feeding her children for up to two complete years. Allah says: "Mothers should nurse their children two complete years-- for whosoever desires to complete the nursing term." (Al Baqarah 2:233)
A woman may not forsake this important obligation unless she has an ISLAMICALLY acceptable excuse, such as a genuine medial problem. Women who deny their children their nursing rights are liable to punishment in the grave and in the Hereafter.
Abu Umamah al-Bahili reported that Allah's Messenger (saw) said:
"While I was sleeping, two men (angels) came to me, held my upper arms, and took me to a rough mountain. They said," Climb." I said," I cannot climb it."
They said, " We will make it easy for you."
He continued: " So I ascended until I reached a high place in the mountain. I heard fierce cries and asked, " What are those cries?" The replied, " That is the howling of the people of the Fire."
He continued: "We moved on until I saw some people who were suspended by their Achilles' tendons, their cheeks cut and gushing blood. I asked, "Who are those?" The replied, "Those are the ones who break their fast when it is not permissible."
He continued: "We moved on until I saw people whowere awfully swollen, and had the most foul stench and the most hideous appearance. I asked," Who are those?" He replied,"Those are the dead of the kuffar (on the battlefield)."
He continued: "We moved on until I saw some people who were awfully swollen, and had the most foul stench--their stench was like that of gutters. I asked," Who are those?" The replied," Those are the male and female adulterers."
He continued: "We moved on until I saw some women with snakes biting at their breasts. I asked," Who are those?" The replied, " Those are the women who deny their children their milk."
He continued: "We moved on until I saw boys playing between two rivers. I asked," who are those?" The replied, " Those are the believers' offspring (who die before puberty.)
Recorded by Ibn Khuzaymah (no.1986), Ibn Hibban and others. Verified to be authentic by Sheikh Albani (Sahih ut-Targhib no.991)
Dihantar JawiHerbShop Pada Sunday, September 21, 2008
1 year ago
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